Conference in Honour of Amb. Ahmed Rufai Abubakar, CFR, Sardaunan Katsina.

Conference Dec 15, 2022

The theme of the Conference: Tradition and Modernity: Trends and Issues in the History of Katsina.
Venue: Katsina Motel
Date: 29th December 2022 - 30th December
Time: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Aim: The broad aim of this conference is to mark the installation of Sardunan Katsina III Amb Alhaji Ahmed Rufai Abubakar, CFR, through an intellectual discourse of trends and issues in the history of Katsina.
Objectives: The objectives of the conference are to:
  • Draw attention to the rich historiography of Katsina.
  • Contribute to the development of the historiography of Katsina.
  • Promote the intellectual tradition of Katsina and Katsinawa.
  • Publish a book on trends and issues in the history of Katsina.
  • Promote interest in research on the history of Katsina.
  • Promote an understanding of the culture and people of Katsina.
  • Provide periodic opportunities for Katsinawa to reflect and brainstorm on the past and present problems affecting people and society.
  • Reflect on the history of Katsina, its culture, tradition, and socio-economic dynamics
  • Document some of the socio-political contributions of Katsina and Katsinawa to the development of Nigeria.
Concept Note

Occasions such as the installation of traditional title holders are usually marked with pomp and pageantry- singing, dancing, and cultural displays. More often than not, the intellectual and historical gains of society are hardly brought to the fore. The ceremonies are therefore usually one-sided. In Katsina, it is a well-established fact that the cultural development of the society has been holistic: the material and intellectual developments of the society go together and Katsina has excelled in both over the centuries. It is in recognition of this fact that the Sardaunan Katsina, His Excellency, Ambassador Ahmed Rufa’i Abubakar, CFR,  a consummate diplomat, Intelligence Officer, patriot, intellectual, philanthropist, and pious and modest public servant decided to hold a Conference as an important part of the ceremonies marking his installation as the third Sardaunan Katsina. Hence, a two-day conference with the theme: Tradition and Modernity: Trends and Issues in the History of Katsina are being organized in his honor on the occasion of his installation as the Sardaunan Katsina.

The installation ceremony has given us the opportunity to reflect on the history of Greater Katsina, its culture, tradition, the dynamics of modernity, and the consequent changes it has brought on the people and the direction of the development of our society, especially in this very challenging time. Beyond singing and dancing characteristic of such ceremonies therefore and bearing in mind local challenges, the Conference is providing us with the avenue for sober reflection and assessment of the historical trajectory of our society today. It is an opportunity for people to engage in a fruitful dialogue toward understanding the dynamics and fundamental changes in the direction of society.

It is in the light of the above that we have carefully outlined germane and critical issues in the history of Katsina, which we are going to examine under four sub-themes, namely Historiography, Traditional Institutions/Leadership; Culture, Heritage and Sports; Chieftaincy and Security. We have accordingly, therefore, identified scholars with research interests in the history of Katsina and especially the areas earmarked for discussion at this conference. These are diverse scholars with different backgrounds and orientations from within the state.  One very important thing to point out also is that in the choice of the contributors/presenters of papers, we brought on board younger academics with a view to encouraging their intellectual and career development. Of particular interest here are the three ladies included in the list of presenters: Malama Murjanatu Abdullahi, Malama Hadiza Sani Katsina, and Malam Zinatu Babangida. Apart from being gender-sensitive,  we have also not overlooked the possible contributions of lay historians - traditional oral historians that occupy positions in the society, hence we have invited Wakilin Tarihi of Daura and Halilu Shinkafi of Katsina to grace the occasion and deliver goodwill messages. The overriding objective at the end of the Conference, produce a  rich and high-quality publication that will represent a meaningful contribution to the historiography and history of Kastina state in general and as well promote a better understanding of its current development trajectory and challenge.

Members of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

1. Prof. M.D.Suleiman - Chairman

2. Prof. Ismail A. Tsiga - Member

3. Dr Samaila Suleiman - Member

4. Dr. Waisu Iliyasu - Member

5. Dr Ibrahim S. Kankara    Secretary

Coordinator and Convener: Prof. Amb. Tijani Muhammad Bande, GCON

Conference Paper Presenters 

Click to download the PDF version below ↘️


Topic and Authors



Royalty, Historiography and Scholarship in Katsina

1.      Traditional Leadership: Understanding the Dynamic of the Sarautar Sardauna of Katsina (Prof M.D Suleiman)

2.      In the Eyes of a Radical Prince:  Y.B. USMAN and the Making of Katsina Historiography (Dr Suleiman Samaila)

3.      An Appraisal of the origin and Nature of Traditional Titles in Katsina Emirate (1807-2022) (Dr Waisu Iliyasu)

4.      Trade, Diplomacy and Scholarship in Pre-Colonial Katsina c; 1450-1900 (Prof Abubakar Babajo Sani)








Issues in History, Tradition and Continuity

1.      Issues in History, Tradition, Continuity and Change and Emergence of Modernisation in Districtship in Katsina  C.1903-1960 A.D”. (Prof A.M Saulawa)

2.      The Development of Earlier Unguwanni (Wards) in Birnin Katsina, 1450 to 1806  ( Dr Isa Lawan)

3.      Some Remarks on the Origin of Kanem-Bakashe and Katsina Relationship c.1775-1800 (Malama Zinatu Babangida)

4.      Muslim Sects in Katsina: Emergence, Growth, Influence and Contemporary Relevance (Dr Kabiru and Mal Suleiman Zahraddeen)

5.      Contribution of Some Selected Women Entrepreneurs in Katsina Metropolis in the 20th Century (Malama Murjanatu Abdullahi)

6.      The Role of Women in the Development of Manpower in Katsina State Civil Service 1987-2022 (Malama  Hadiza Sani Katsina)




1:30PM- 4:00PM


Culture, Urbanisation and Sports in Katsina

1.      Post-Colonial Urbanisation and Expansion of Settlement in Katsina Town (Prof Jamilu Shehu

2.      Heritage and Monuments in Katsina (Dr. Nura Aliyu)

3.      Cultural Festivals in Katsina: Some Historical Reflections (Dr Aminu Saidu Ado)

4.      Unearthing Sporting activities in Northern Nigeria:  An assessment   of historical turns in Katsina. ( Mal Rabe Gambo)

5.      The Contributions of Sarkin Taushin Katsina (Mamman Dansodangi) to the Political Development of Katsina Emirate (Dr Bashir Abu Sabe)

6.      The Impact of Western Education on the Development of Daura 1917-2017 (Sabiu Ibrahim Fago PhD).




4:15PM -6:15PM


Security and Peace Building

1.      Agricultural Production and Food Security in Katsina Emirate C. 1903- 2021 (Prof. M.M Adamu)


2.      An overview of the Role of Traditional Security Architecture in the Pre and Colonial Katsina.


(Dr Ibrahim Sani Kankara)


3.      Some Contributions of Katsina in the Development of Policing in Nigeria.


(Dr Lawal Yahya Kofar Sauri)


4.      Transformation of Military Activities in Kasar Katsina: Reflections on the Role of Katsinawa in the Military History of Nigeria


(Mal Dahiru Rabe)


5.      Kidnapping, Banditry and Informal Security in Katsina.


       (Dr Murtala Ahmed Rufai)


6.      Arming the Unarmed and the Prospects for Security in Katsina: A Study into the Activities of Vigilante Groups


( Dr Aliyu Mukhtar Katsina)


7.      Government Policies and Insecurity in Katsina Non Kinetic Approach to Combating the Threat of Armed Banditry: The Katsina State Experience.


(Alh Ibrahim Ahmad Katsina)


8.      Civil-Military Relations in Nigeria: A Glimpse  at the  35 Battalion of the Nigerian Army Natsinta Katsina, 1977-2021

(Hussaini Jibrin, PhD)



