Rubicon Polo Resort Holds Maiden Tourney

Sports Dec 8, 2022

The eagerly awaited maiden tournament of Rubicon Polo & Turf Resort has been confirmed to gallop off with fanfare this weekend in Abuja with top Nigerian patrons, players and professional players from Argentina, Europe and South Africa jostling for honours.

Polo Royals confirmed that the event would feature five equally matched teams in a five-day event that would test run the resort ahead of the official commissioning early next year.

The participating teams are the Profile Group team that won two of the four major prizes at the just concluded Minna polo tournament, Kaduna Barbados, Abuja Lintex, Jos Malcomines and two times Georgian Cup champions, Rubicon team.

Scheduled to blast off from Sunday September 26, and thrill till Saturday, October 2, 2021 at the   Rubicon Polo Ground nestling off Airport Road, Jabi, and the 20-goal international tourney will put Lintex taking on Malcomines in the first ever competitive game at the club.

According to the organizers, Profile team will square up against Kaduna Barbedos in a highly anticipated a dicey local derby that will stretch both teams to the last seconds, in the second game of the opening day.

Host Rubicon team will face Barbedos in the opening game of the second day, while Profile and Malcomines are bracing for a titanic clash in game four of the high profile tournament.

“While we are using this event to test run the facilities ahead of the official opening of the resort we want to inform invited guests and participants and polo enthusiasts that this event is fully COVID-19 protocol compliance. Only those with face masks will be allowed,” the official stated.
