Photo by Chino Rocha / Unsplash

Polo Tourney: Katsina Danmarna Defeats Katsina Gobarau

Sports Nov 18, 2022

Katsina Danmarna Polo Club defeated its counterpart Katsina Gobarau 4½ – 4 goals in Ibrahim Coomassie Cup as the annual Katsina Polo tournament, organized by the Nigeria Polo Federation began at the weekend.
Tidesports gathered that the officials at the tournament awarded the Danmarna 1½ goals due to the superiority of Katsina Gobarau players in terms of expertise in the game.
Danmarna’s second goal was scored by Ahmed Abdulmumuni five minutes into the first Chukka of the game, while the third goal was scored by Abba Sani Kangiwa for Danmarna in the second Chukka.
Chukka in polo is a seven-and-a-half period of play. High-goal matches are typically played over six chukkas.
The Katsina Gobarau scored their first and second goals in the second Chukka, while in the third chukka of the game there were no scores on both sides.
The Katsina Danmarna scored their fourth goal in the fourth Chukka, while Katsina Gobarau scored two goals in the fourth Chukka.
Tidesports also gathered that another match, between Zaria Koyon-Bama and Zaria Western Ponies.
The two Zaria clubs also competed in the Ibrahim Coomassie Cup where Western Ponies defeated Zaria Koyon-Bama 4 – 2 goals.
The Zaria Western Ponies scored their goals in the first and fourth Chukkas, while the Koyon-Bama scored their two goals in the second and third Chukkas.
According to Tidesports the third match of the opening day of the competition was between Kaduna Bidlers Polo Club and Kawo Kaduna Club.
The two clubs played a draw where they scored three goals each with Kaduna Kawo scoring two goals in the first Chukka.
The Kaduna Bidlers scored their three goals in the second and their third Chukkas and Kaduna Kawo scored their third goal in the fourth.
It would be recalled that the Katsina polo tournament is a four Chukkas game which gives the clubs enough time to prepare for their matches.
